I provide customized leadership and/or employee
assessments (i.e., surveys) and personalized guidance, workshops, and reports to drive organizational improvement, growth, and development.


Employee Assessments
(Pricing starts at $5,000)

Assess and improve:

360° Leader/Manager Assessments
(Pricing starts at $5,000)

Assess and improve:


All consulting packages come with:

Survey design

Custom reports

Data collection

One 2-hour workshop

Data analysis

Ryan can help you or your organization, conference, department, or association understand how to harness the power of mindsets for unprecedented performance


Success Mindsets
Mindsets are at the foundation of organizational success and employee performance because they fuel how we think learn and behave. If you want to meaningfully improve the success and performance of your organization and your employees, you must improve your mindsets. In this session, Ryan helps you understand the critical nature of mindsets, identify what mindsets are essential for success, and provide recommendations for improving these mindsets.

Deepening Your Leadership
“Sixty percent of new managers fail within the first 24 months” (Corporate Executive Board). One reason for this finding is because leaders commonly lead from a less-effective power base: organizational power (i.e., the position they hold). Effective leaders learn to lead from a personal power base, meaning they influence those they lead because of who they are, as opposed to the position they hold. This session helps leaders understand how they can become people and leaders others want to follow.

Leader Mindsets
Leaders and managers set the tone of an organization. Most leadership trainings focus on the behaviors leaders need to engage in. But, effective leadership is not about DOING what is right, it is about BEING what is right. In this session, Ryan helps leaders and managers understand why mindsets are vital to their success as a leader and manager, and provides recommendations for improving these mindsets.

Change Mindsets
When most organizations change, they focus on doing things differently. But, even if they can get employees to do things differently, if the employees continue to possess the same mindsets, the change efforts won’t last or won’t be effective. Effective changes starts with mindsets and ends with behaviors. In this session, Ryan helps organizational leaders understand the importance of mindsets and how to lead effective change by first focusing on chaining mindsets. 

The Power of Purpose
Research has demonstrated that if motivated with a clear and meaningful purpose, employees can double their productivity. This session covers how leaders and employees can tap into the power of purpose to drive greater personal, team and organizational productivity and success. 

Enhancing Trust in the Workplace
Trust in the workplace has tangible, bottom-line effects. Yet, only 51% of employees have trust and confidence in their organization’s leaders and managers. This session helps participants better understand the importance of trust, how to build it, and when necessary, how to repair it. Ryan will provide practical strategies for creating a more trusting environment at work.



1.5-2 hours


Full day

Specialized program for leadership teams, high-potential employees, department heads, or group/team, which includes:

Personal leadership and
mindset assessments

Five 1.5-hour group
coaching sessions

360° leadership and
mindset assessments

Two 1-hour personal
coaching sessions



Is pricing flexible?

Yes, in rare cases:

If any of these conditions exist for you, let’s get creative

Great presenter! I’d recommend him to anyone.

— Past student

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